A CONSORTIUM of Middle East and Malaysian blue-chip institutional and individual investors is eyeing a strategic stake in established property developer Mah Sing Group Bhd, sources said yesterday.The local, Abu Dhabi and Kuwait investors are the ones who have been steadily purchasing real estate in Malaysia and investing in the property boom in the country in recent months."They are eyeing a strategic stake in Mah Sing to complete part of the Middle East-Southeast Asia property value chain," one source told Business Times."
Partnering with the current major shareholders and management of Mah Sing will likely be the vehicle of choice for the investors' Southeast Asian expansion plans."This is especially due to its strong cash balances, low gearing, solid management and good track record. Mah Sing, with its financial muscle and niche offerings, is of strong appeal to the consortium of investors," the source added.
Low PE too.. A good fundamental counter...
Buy in 5 lots of mahsing RM 1.84